Thursday, June 3, 2010

BP (NYSE:BP) Setback, Oil Slick Almost To Florida

It took BP (NYSE:BP) 12 hours on Wednesday to free the saw that was stuck half way through the pipe they were cutting. Although, they did not give a time when they would resume their oil spill containment attempt, they did say they were preparing.

Meanwhile, the oil slick is within seven miles of Pensacola, Florida, ready to hit the area known as the sugar white beaches. Emergency workers are rushing to get the mile long boom link, designed to collect the oil, in place before the oil slick reaches the shoreline. Forecasters say the estimated arrival time for the slick is Friday.

As we've already seen what devastation the oil slick has caused in Louisiana, the outcome doesn't look any better for Florida. As well as the white sands beaches which inhabit much wildlife, there are also several Islands and bays that will feel the effects of the oil.

John Dosh, emergency director for Escambia County, which Pensacola is included in, said, "we are doing what we can, but we cannot change what has happened."

There has been much extra aid sent to the East Coast including boats, helicopters, and more staff. The helicopters will help spot oil in the water. The boats will help skim oil as well as place extra booms where needed to collect the oil.

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