Tuesday, June 8, 2010

PROOF: BP (NYSE:BP) Ignored Environmental Regulations For Over A Decade

It's pretty sad when a company like BP (NYSE:BP) puts such little emphasis on environmental regulations, health, or safety. Especially considering they are on the board of the Environmental Protection Agency.

According to Abrahm Lustgarten and Ryan Knutson's report, "A series of internal investigations over the past decade warned senior BP managers that the oil company repeatedly disregarded safety and environmental rules and risked and a serious accident if it did not change its ways. The confidential inquiries, which have not previously been made public, focused on a rash of problems at BP's Alaska oil drilling operations. They described instances in which management flouted safety by neglecting aging equipment, pressed employees not to report problems and cut short or delay inspections to reduce production costs."

Maybe that's why BP is now trying to take the stance of trying to make everybody happy. When a company like BP puts safety, health, and environment at such a low priority, it's no wonder things like the Deepwater Horizon explosion happen. Now they're scrambling, trying to maintain some sort of integrity when in reality if for the past decade instead of taking shortcuts, silencing their employees, and putting off safety inspections, they simply followed the rules they could have prevented all of this !

What makes it worse is this was intentional. We're not talking a bad manager for a year or two, we're talking blatantly ignoring the protocol for over 10 years now, the protocol that is put into place to keep not just them as a corporation, but the environment and us as human beings safe.


  1. This oil Spill is the worst accident mankind has ever had. America does not know it yet, but in a year we will.

    America Will Never Forget this accident.

    The single biggest accidental mistake ever.

  2. This oil Spill is the worst accident mankind has ever had. America does not know it yet, but in a year we will.

    America Will Never Forget this accident.

    The single biggest accidental mistake ever.

  3. This oil Spill is the worst accident mankind has ever had. America does not know it yet, but in a year we will.

    America Will Never Forget this accident.

    The single biggest accidental mistake ever.

  4. site fake...no real refs provided

  5. Ha ha ha. Excellent. You seem to have changed your editorial stance somewhat since the following article posted in November 2008. Nice U-turn. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

    Wednesday, November 26, 2008
    Environmental Thugs Continue Attack on Consumers in Oil Lawsuit Frenzy
    The environmental religion continues to produce attacks on regular, hurting people, as they sue oil companies every time a drilling lease permit is granted to them.

    "Every lease that has been granted in the last several years has been immediately challenged in the lawsuits 100 percent," said Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C.

    This thuggery is hurting people and will damage the lives of human beings, as environmental crackpots continue their assualt against them.

    These earth and animal worshippers would rather see human beings suffer through high energy costs and inability to heat their homes, than the lie that polar bears are endangered (which has proven to be false) and other bogus claims of endangerment.

    It doesn't matter to these wackos, as lying to achieve their ends is part of their way of operating.

    What's more evil about this is they know they can't win, they'll only increase the cost of doing business, which is always passed on to regular people.

    These people aren't real conservationists doing this, rather they are elitest who care about their earth religion rather than human beings. People continue to be an insult to their sensibilities, and they would rather see them hurt than their earth-mother.

    Screw 'em. Hopefully we'll start to see true conservation groups emerge who truly care about managing our resources. Hunters and fisherman are especially concerned and good at this, knowing we need to keep our resources managed properly.

    These environmental terrorists need to be sued into oblivion, and associations need to be formed in order to make that a reality.
    Posted by Allen at 5:15 PM 0 comments
    Labels: Drilling Oil, Environmental Attacks, Oil Exploration, Oil Production

  6. I've worked in refining. BP is known as having horrible health, safety and “process safety” practices. They are the worse in the industry. It is their process safety failings that killed 13 people in Texas city. Some refiners are actually VERY conscience of their safety, and it costs them $$$. This is going to be very interesting to watch play out. You may or may not like Obama, but ya gotta give it to him for how he is attacking BP. I hope he seizes their US assets as collateral. BP just kills its employees because it’s cheaper than improving process safety. It really is that simple.
